Reply To: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas

Home Forums Shidduchim Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas Reply To: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas


AZ, no one is saying to stop the Hishtadlus. From the outset I have said that we have a Chiyuv to make our Hishtadlus.

But you keep saying things like, “in the present reality it’s not going to happen,” and those are the statements that bother me most.

There is no such thing as a “reality” that Hashem can’t deal with. Whether it be a handful of Chashmonaoim against a much larger group of enemies (Rabim BYad Me’atim), whether it be the fall of Haman, whether it be one night worth of Shemen burning for 8 days, or whether it be 100 boys for 150 girls…

There is nothing “tevadik” about Shidduchim even when things go smoothly. But if you keep making statements like, “B’Drech Hateva…can’t get married,” then you are sadly, severely lacking in Bitachon.

Again, most definately, make the Hishtadlus – just don’t lose Bitachon as you have.

I wish you well.
