Reply To: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas

Home Forums Shidduchim Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas Reply To: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas


thank you Daas Yochid for sticking up for me. all i know is something has to change, and i honestly bechavod gadol, do not think the boys’ roshei yeshivos have a clue how dire it is (unless they have girls in the parsha) in my opinion this should have been front and center at the aguda convention with all great minds on deck to come to some kind of solution. I have a simple one. how bout if you are a rebbe, or mashgiach, and you get a call from a girls mother (or other) how bout getting back to them in a timely fashion, (lets say, less than three days>)I would even say WALK OUT OF SHIUR AND ANSWER THE PHONE thats how dire this problem is….