Reply To: Yafeh Talmud Torah im Derech Eretz

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The next words in the mishna are “sheyigias shnayhem” – “throught toil at both of them.” It seems like it’s referring to some sort of exertion. Which seems to imply an understanding similar to that of Abelleh.

brilliant exposition. Again, maybe you should find a rishon who says that, since I cited at least one who disagrees with that approach.

By the way, I’m familiar with the interpetation of “derech eretz” as “proper manners.” I was under the impression that that was a minority opinion among the commentators. (I guess I can look into that.)

So then you made two mistakes. First, trying to read a mishna instead of relying on your rebbeim. Second, assuming that we always follow the majority opinion in rishonim.

Follow-up question: According to those who interpret “derech eretz” as “proper manners,” it’s kind of hard to oppose the study of mussar, isn’t it?

No, it is completely irrelevant. Those who opposed the mussar movement didn’t do so because they thought you are supposed to have bad middos. (why did you translate it as manners? manners is which fork you use and not putting your elbows on the table. middos are the way we act and how we think and feel….)