Reply To: Yafeh Talmud Torah im Derech Eretz

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Feif Un

Health, I disagree – most kollel guys COULD find jobs if they wanted to. When those who leave kollel to go work do so, most find jobs pretty quickly.

When I said “act like this”, I meant l’chatchilah taking money that is supposed to only be for a b’dieved.

If kollel guys didn’t take government money, and the system was the way it should be, maybe I’d be more inclined to support them. The way it is now is a joke (a very bad one), and I won’t support it. You can argue the cause for what you do all you want, but don’t try to put the blame on other people. The blame lies squarely on those in the kollels.

The fact is that people in kollel don’t know what it means to be moser nefesh to sit and learn. Maybe they need to learn what real mesiras nefesh is. Listen to the tapes of R’ Gifter, where he speaks about what it was like in Europe. He was considered rich. Why? Because he could afford a cup of real coffee instead of chicory. R’ Avigdor Miller wore his overcoat all year round. Why? Because his clothing was so old and worn that he was ashamed to be seen in it, with all the patches showing. People then didn’t know where their next meal would come from. That is true mesiras nefesh, and it weeded out those who weren’t serious about their learning from those who were. I think we need to have this again, so we can see who the true learners are.