Reply To: Seminary


first of all figuringitout, just to address sterneberg, sternberg is very much ateres’s type, more than a camp like raninu. not that there is anything wrong with raninu.

anyways, moving on, first of all, feel free to ask me any question about ateres.

i know that everyone is telling you to go to their sem, but you seriously described ateres. some people might tell you some negative things about ateres because it used to have a bad reputation, but they did a 360 and the girls are all really good 🙂 what i love is that everyone is from such different backgrounds, but it totally didn’t make a difference with friendships at all. the girl coming from a more modern background became really good friends with a girls from a chassideshe school, etc. no one is judgemental!! its amazing that way!!!

one nice thing is that it’s BY without being yeshivish. i have nothing against being yeshivish, i just wasnt looking to be in a yeshivish sem and this was the perfect mix.

to address the problem of all the girls who dont know who they are:

if you are a good girl who is open minded and open to growth, then i can’t just say go to ateres because i don’t know you. however, i didn’t feel that i had an identity/know who i was until i got to seminary. in ateres, i was able to figure who i am and what i want to be.

the school is also very accommodating and they really do SO MUCH for the girls, a lot more than other seminaries.

i think machon raaya is similar to ateres, but it is a lot more academic. michlala is also very academic.

i really feel for you!!! i know its really hard to make a choie especially because some seminaries seem sooo similar. i don’t know much about seminar in terms of spiritual growth and that stuff, but i do know that it is a lot bigger and the girls aren’t as close as in ateres. not everyone is looking for a sem where every girl is close, but the first shabbos in ateres every girl in ateres was comfortable with each other. no one was intimidated to really talk to anyone…. there wasn’t even a ‘popular’ group which was the most amazing part. not that i’m a neb who isn’t popular, but theres always that intimidating group at the top of the class. however, ateres does not have that!

seminar is a lot more academic(unlike other seminaries, in ateres you have a choice whether or not to be academic. one major thing about ateres is that academics isn’t the only way to shine…. it’s also through art, dance, choir, and other things like that. also, they don’t accept you based on grades).

i remember how scary this process is, so HALTZACHA RABA to all of you that need help finding a seminary!!! feel free to ask me any questions!!!!