Reply To: Please daven for Chaya Esther Bas Faiga Yenta

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Please daven for Chaya Esther Bas Faiga Yenta Reply To: Please daven for Chaya Esther Bas Faiga Yenta


to chassidishe gatesheader: I will be dan lekaf zechus that perhaps you just knew a person with this name and are just trying to find out if they are who you knew.However, your request of hudi in my opinion(if they are a relative) is a bit to much to ask on an anonymous forum.

There were public tehillim gatherings for her in baltimore where she resides.Disclosing more then readily available public information,would be stepping over the boundaries of appropriateness IMHO. Unless HUDI decides on his/her own to divulge such info.