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dont come here and belittle that which is holy. You are very clearly oiver on Leitzanus with these types of snide comments.
My comments are not snide but are meant with complete sincerity. Trust me, when I mean to make fun of something, you’ll know it. If there’s one thing that I’m good at, it’s expressing myself through humor.
You bang Latznu once or 2x every day in Ashamnu (if you say Tachanun) it means Leitzanus.
Wrong! I say Tachanun and I do NOT bang at all, nor do I say “Ashamnu” at all on a regular weekday.
Now you know what to have in mind over there when you bang your chest and say that word so that you wont be lying to Hashem to His face.
I have not lied about anything. I have many faults, but deliberate lying is not one of them. Don’t make me worse than I am by accusing me of being a scoffer or a liar. I’m bad enough, thank you very much. There’s no need to make me worse than the already horrible disgusting excuse for a human being that I am.
The Wolf