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Wolf, if you don’t think you did anything wrong then you are a shogeg.

I didn’t say that I don’t believe I did anything wrong. I said I don’t regret what I’ve done wrong. It’s a huge difference.

Example: I’ve been told that I am a moser because I called the cops when a neighbor’s car went off at 2AM and wouldn’t shut off for two hours. (No, I don’t know whose car it was… so I couldn’t just go tell the neighbor — and yes, given where I live, the overwhelming odds were that it was a Jew’s car.) Yes, halacha says I should have gone to a bais din before calling the cops (since I wasn’t in any physical danger), but I chose not to wake rabbonim at 4AM. As such, I am a moser. Nonetheless, I don’t regret the fact that I’ve called the cops.

The Wolf