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I would like to post an idea about the “shidduch crisis” I don’t believe is much discussed.

The assumption seems to be that if there really is an age gap, any measure taken that does not narrow the gap cannot help much.

I suggest:

It is in the hands of Shadchanim to redt shidduchim as they please. If we simply took away the advantages the boys have today, the field would be evened out considerably.

If shidduchim were redt simultaneously to the boy and girl, suddenly girls too would have long lists. The girls would say more no’s, the boy would no longer be so confident to say no, and he would begin to have more realistic expectations. This would give girls who used to sit and wait for dates, more of an oppurtunity.

Also: With an even playing field, many more girls with “less attractive” resumes would get married earlier, some who do have those “qualities” would be around longer – and an older girl with looks, money, and all other “important” qualities definitely have an easier time to keep on getting dates.