Reply To: Whose Minhagim to follow!?!

Home Forums Family Matters Whose Minhagim to follow!?! Reply To: Whose Minhagim to follow!?!

Avi K

Yungerman, according to the Gra someone who does not eat gebruchts is mevatel simchat Yom Tov (and to drive his point home he used to hang a kneidlach in his window – Rav Soloveichik would eat matza ball soup on his porch in full view of passers-by) so lechora he would not even require a hatart nedarim from someone who wants to change. As to the general question, very often couples combine minhagim where they are not inconsistent. For example, many Ashkenazi/Sephaaradi couples have both a berit Yitzchak (where they read portions on berit mila from the Zohar and make every food beracha) and a shalom zachar.