Reply To: Whose Minhagim to follow!?!

Home Forums Family Matters Whose Minhagim to follow!?! Reply To: Whose Minhagim to follow!?!

Avram in MD


My belief in Judaism is quite strong.

according to that opinion

there were some people who felt

I’m sure that someone will tell me that I’m transgressing

I doubted a story about a woman being in a coma for 73 years and was called a Kofer for it

Because I’ve been told that all of those are violations of halacha in one way or another

This may come as a surprise to you, but Judaism is not defined as:

if(someone’s opinion is different from WolfishMusings’ opinion) {

WolfishMusings is doomed.


if(someone is an internet troll on YWN yelling “apikorus”) {

someone is a spokesman for authentic Judaism

see above
