Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee MESSAGE FROM AYC Reply To: MESSAGE FROM AYC

🍫Syag Lchochma

coffee addict – please stop dragging more fighting in here. It is hardly for you to decide who should live and who should die. There were some nasty posts made by OTHER posters that were beyond anything Jothar posted. If you want to write to AYC then do it yourself, please! She posted her email twice. But if anyone WHETHER THEY ARE CORRECT OR NOT and whether they mean well or not, decides they are going to invite another bar room brawl in here I am going to throw up. Please coffee, just email her and talk to her directly.

a mamin – I am with you. Not only were we not aware of the entire picture then, I still don’t get most of it. But since most of the fighting is done by bunches of people who also don’t know, that is the reason I am begging for a halt.