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Ah, yes, I see your point now. Structure and guidelines are what transform us from indecisive, unproductive people who wander around looking for meaning without any clear destination in mind, into people that are productive, contributory, and focused. I very much agree. And yes, there is no better set of guidelines and no better “book” of meaning than G-d’s Torah.

If you think about it, it really makes sense why Jews are seemingly always at the top of their fields and industries. Because we grow up with guidelines, with structure, and are focused on intellect, on meaning, and on purpose. We are infused with a focus on productivity. Very few other nations in our day and age can say that. Our society itself embraces laziness and values shallowness, and children that grow up with such a mindset have little hope of becoming people with real meaning or purpose.

What I was saying in my first post was really a step AFTER the foundation. Once we have absorbed the importance of structure and guidelines, and are focused on meaning and purpose, we can then look toward expanding on that by finding our potential. You can’t compose a song without first finding the root note on which to make it, and you can’t reach toward your full potential without first internalizing the basic structure and guidelines that shape the foundation on which you build. Without that foundation, your full potential is out of reach, and you will only be circling around underneath it, trying to find it.