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Popa –
Wait if it’s plastic you have another tzad l’heter – that plastic is not bole’a. I know this is controversial but My rav holds this way, Rav Heinkin held this way (I think it’s in the Kisvei), and I have a very reliable source that R’ Moshe held this way at least by hard plastic.
And thanks for the haskama on the second tzad.
I don’t get it, do you actually ever let it sit there for 24 hours? If not then what’s the issue? As far as I know (see the end of 122 by the shkarkuos case) there’s no ????? ??? ?”? when there’s no nesinas ta’am – i.e. it’s cold and you’re using it right away. So even if you’re worried, just don’t use it that way and you’re good to go!
I am trying to think about this other tzad you’re mentioning but the metzius is eluding me. Could you by any chance give me a model number or something to look up online to make it clearer?