Reply To: Choosing a Seminary


HSS – you did a pretty good eval. I think the original post was no yeshivish, and after that she said more hashkafa, less academic. I think that cuts out Nachlas, Tiferes, Masores Rochel, and maybe even Machon Raaya.

I think Chochmas Lev is not academic, I think it has a very big focus on Hashkafa.

Once you cut out Seminar, Meor, and Bnos Chava you’re basically left with:

Chochmas Lev, Ateres, Shoshanim, Pninim, and maybe Darchei Bina.

aimhabonim – I think you should try to find someone who can advise your daughter and help her pick. In my high school, the principal went through each girl individually – advising her, weighing the options…. and it was very helpful because I didn’t know anything about seminaries before.