Reply To: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong?

Home Forums Politics Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? Reply To: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong?


I couldn’t really believe my eyes when I saw the topic of this thread… Are we really dredging up something that has been the law for about 100 years now?

Thanks for your confidence in womankind. We’re apparantly good enough to bring up children and at least contribute to the family budget, and in many, many cases, be the sole supporter of the fanily budget, but we lack the political savvy to vote? Most women I know are at least as knowledgeable as their husbands in the area of politics. Either gender should follow the advice of Gedolei Yisroel in any case!

Last time I registered to vote, there was no question asking for IQ level, and judging from those around me, it didn’t need to be very high.

Get with the program boys and girls. It’s 2012, and not only can and should women vote, but maybe soon one will actually become president.