Reply To: The Arizal

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(I am not guaranteeing the accuracy of this information however I believe the basic concepts are correct:)

Rav Yitchak Luria, aka the Ari Hakadosh/Arizal, was born in Yerushalayim in 1534. When his father died he went to his wealthy uncle in Egypt who soon became his father in law when R’ Yitchak was 15 years old. He learnt by the Shitta Mekubetzes (Rav Betzalel Ashkenazi), then by himself, before he turned to intense study of the Zohar for 7 years while living in a hut on the Nile, only visiting his father in law/ uncle on shabbos. In his mid thirties he moved to Tzfas (one of the main places that the expelled experts of toras hanistar brought their expertise to after the Spanish Expulsion of 1492) and quickly gained a crowd of followers, most prominently Rav Chaim Vital, who may be called his Talmid Muvhak (it is said that the Ari himself said that the only one who fully understood his shiurim in toras hanistar was Rav Chaim Vital). His main goal was to serve Hashem in holiness and purity, which included, but was not limited to, immersing oneself regularly in a mikvah, praying with very intense concentration, and generally sanctifying ones thoughts. He obviously practiced and preached these concepts to his talmidim. Additionally, he stressed the three parts of ????? ?? which are: ?????, ????, ???????. These basically mean, sanctity of the mind and action; intensive attention to the correct intentions during prayer; and to ensure that love, fear, and service of Hashem one’s priority in life and that the physical is merely there to ensure our health so that we can serve Hashem. The Ari additionally studied the Teffillos that were enacted in general by the Geonim through a kabbalistic lense, and instructing his talmidim of the correct wording,rules, and laws of tefilla, which soon came to be known as the “Nusach Ari” ( which many chassidim follow). Additionally the tradition of the Ari, once more based on Kabbalah, was to dress in all white on ???, which is still followed today in some circles. He did not write any seforim, he just gave shiur, which was directed only to those steeped in Kabbala, so we rely on the ??? ?? ???? by his Talmid Rav Chaim Vital, as the source for his teachings. The Ari Hakadosh, so given the title because of the abbreviation of his name and possibly also because he was the ??? ???????(the lion in the group) was niftar in 1572 at the young age of 38. ????? ??? ?????.

I hope this has answered most or all of your questions, if you have any more or receive different information, please let me know.

Based off of “2000 Years of Jewish History” by R’ Chaim Schloss, published by Feldheim Publishers in 2004.