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The Best Bubby

JaneDoe18: I have been telephoned that your fax arrived, sorry for the mix up when you sent previously, as I had not told them to expect faxes. Will receive them personally later in the day I’YH. I wanted to keep this more tzniusdik, that people should not have to know everything. So sorry. Will post again when I personally have them in my hand.

Blinky and oomis1105: Went to a Bracha party last night and davened for all names given and will continue to daven each day I’YH until I am told there is B’EH good news. I also learn two halachot of the Chofetz Chaim sefer on Shemirat Halashon every single day, in the zechut of all the people I daven for and also try to not speak, listen, write or otherwise during the specified hours, of Machsom Lefi, (Tehillim Perek Lamed Tet), of not to have anything to do with Loshon Harah.

Me Shenichnass Adar Marbim B’Simcha! Today is the birth and the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu Z’TL and may all our tefillot reach the heights of the Kiseh Rachamim of H’KBH!