Reply To: Pouring Wine/Grape Juice Back Into The Container

Home Forums Shabbos! Pouring Wine/Grape Juice Back Into The Container Reply To: Pouring Wine/Grape Juice Back Into The Container


LeiderLeider: In reference to tviloh, your question is based on an assumption that “choslos” can loose its name “choslos” even while you are still using the bottle as a carrier. Perhaps the halocho of “choslos” does not get lost while the bottle is still holding the original contents – even if one adds some kos shel brocho or kiddush wine into the bottle in order to elevate the kedusha of the wine.

Also, bemechilas kvodchem (“let’s hear it, guys!”) there is a sense of some “gaivo” which is keilu oived avodo zoro, its not kedai as the wine one pours into the bottle won’t make it kodush but yein nesech.