Reply To: Hello99, DY, et al: Maskim?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Hello99, DY, et al: Maskim? Reply To: Hello99, DY, et al: Maskim?


hello99 –

I see where you are coming from, and you are entitled to disagree. However, I am sure you can see how one might argue with all of the points you made, and a posek who is a bar hachi has every right. I will just say that I do not believe he is relying on the Chida. That is not his style at all. He is relying on his svara in how he came out of the sugya, and is bringing the Chida in brackets as an aside.

As for permitting turning on lights on Yom Tov, as you see, he stated no such blanket heter, which you unfairly imply. And even so, I did take care care to submit this post in an inconspicuous way.

By the way, I understand that the Kaf HaChaim was making a tziruf. I was only speculating that he might have made a similar kind of tziruf in regard to this case, ?????? ????. But as I said, that is not where this teshuva is coming from anyway.