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TO Dr. Pepper and Patur aval assur speaking from a shadchans point of view i dont think Dr pepper has a clue what is involved in redding a shidduch ,waiting to get a answer from the boy,redding it to the girl .The going out process and all the dates till something works out and the many times that it doesnt .Waiting up to hear how the dates worked out ,discussing with both sides the financials and that both sides should be very happy.I would say `1 in 200 shiduchim work out,so please dont talk about the money .It is money well deservedand worked for.

To Patur aval assur I dont say that a boy who is slow or doesnt do good on a test should not be in kollel.Let him take a oral test ,let him talk in learning with the rosh chaburah,or let him learn in kollek where they dont pay.If someone is using his time properly he should not have a problem