Reply To: Pesach Cake Recipes?

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Pesach Recipes Cakes (Non-Gebrukts) Pesach Cake Recipes? Reply To: Pesach Cake Recipes?

Be Happy

The best tip I ever got was to cook in foil containers. This is definitely not something to do all year round but once a year I don’t think it is so terrible. (Be careful to buy the heavy duty ones) I cook e.g one days fish in a container and then can throw it automatically freeing precious fridge room. I do the same with chicken.

My friend makes small meat balls in the soup, sometimes from chicken and sometimes from meat. She was looking to make something healthy and filling and non gebrokts. She then serves the main meal.She said she found the children were not so hungry. I am hoping to try that.

One night Chol Hamoed I fry shnitzel coated in ground nuts. _ That is a family treat. I usually bake shnitzel.