Reply To: Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships

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lost in Europe

From what I read here, although it takes two to tango, the mother in law has to be the smart one. My mantra is if you want your child to be happy, be good to their spouse. A very wise friend told me just before my son got married that most daughters in law think that their husband was born the day they got married, meaning he has no past relationships before they wed. She is only thinking of their present and future. This bit of understanding helped me navigate the unsteady beginnings of my son’s married life. Today’s generation, unfortunately, do not go according to the rules. I did the calling, and if I spoke to my son, I made sure to say hello to her as well. Well, I realized the effort paid off when she called me to tell me that when all her friends were complaining about their MIL, she told me she had nothing to say!!