Reply To: Summer Plans for Bochrim

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Summer Plans for Bochrim Reply To: Summer Plans for Bochrim


Cool it, pba. I’m asking a simple question here— what is the point of these trips?

I’m looking for a nice, friendly response to a person who means no disrespect and seeks only an answer, seeing as I don’t know much about this. I was looking for a clarification.

Apparently, I’m in the wrong place.

And by the way, the girls’ trips I mentioned are chaperoned. If these boys are just doing what they want in their free time, then they probably aren’t chaperoned.

If they are coming back from these trips down a level in yiddishkeit, then maybe the balabatim, who made the time for learning an hour in the morning and an hour at night even during an exhausting day at work, should be mechazek THEM.