Reply To: teens doing chesed

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Banana123, get your priorities straight! As a school girl, studies would seem to come first. However, we are living in a world with other people and we always have to think of others. Chesed doesn’t have to be in big actions if you don’t have the time for that. A smile, a nice word, picking up litter, sharing, caring, praying for others – are all chesed in “little” ways.

We have to go out of our way to help others, and depending at what stage of life we are at, how far that will be taken.

If you’re asking if you should “make up” for it later on in life, well, what makes you think you may have more time than? If you’re seriously out to help others, you can at whatever stage you’re up to, in a way that will doing all you can according to that stage of life.