Reply To: Shalom Bayis during a Womans Pregnancy

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Shalom Bayis during a Womans Pregnancy Reply To: Shalom Bayis during a Womans Pregnancy

a mamin

Health and Logician: I can see how helpful you were in your wives pregnancies! When I was expecting my first, I cried all day, I didn’t know what hit me. I didn’t recognize myself. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t in control of my emotions. I was miserable and throwing up all day! My husband was told by his mother a.h. to IGNORE me!!You could just imagine how that brought us closer? That was very POOR advice! After 3 months I went to my ob/gyn he told me I was perfectly normal and I had no control over my emotions at that point. I walked out of his office a different person.After that I started feeling better and glowed the rest of my pregnancy.That was 30 years ago. Now I am Baruch Hashem a grandmother and I watch my children throwing up. It is not always so easy but WELL WORTH IT! For all you husbands out there a little COMPASSION please!