Reply To: Shalom Bayis during a Womans Pregnancy

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Back up a minute.

You’re wondering if men, such as yourself, would have been better off if Hashem *hadn’t* created women (and therefore wouldn’t be around to raise men’s children, either). Who needs women who “play their pregnancies to the hilt”? Who needs women who are “attention seekers”? Who needs women who “maybe have mental/emotional problems”?

I brought up kollel malingerers to illustrate how ridiculous your gross generalizations are.

I don’t personally know of any women who have ever played their pregnancies to the hilt, but I have met both men *and* women who are attention seekers/have mental/emotional problems. I’ve also met doctors who act like they hate women, and the world would indeed be better off without them.

Maybe the question should be, why did Hashem make them that way?