April 4, 2012 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm
“Your friend found a Domino OUP bag under the heimish bag, so what? The point is he doesn’t rely on OUP unless the heimish rav says to. It is money well spent.”
Nope, it’s making a buck.
The Rav that gave the extra Hechsher on Dominoes sugar could have just said that he approves of that product without having to put his name on it and charging for it.
How much work did he put into it to charge that extra amount? I seriously doubt that much, if any, maybe a few phone calls.
Speaking of which, I am appalled by those that put out lists of things that they say are muttar, when they have not been to the factory. There is a infamous web site that is matir almost anything by checking the ingredients.