Reply To: George Zimmerman

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this country is sickeningly pathetic they only get up in arms when there is a percieved injustice commited against a minority. It doesn’t ever matter whether it was even remotely anything to do with race, or whether the “injustice” was even perpetrated. Witness how when blacks beat up blacks, no one is up in arms. I read this article by a LZ Granderson that expressed this point, and he mentioned a recent beating of a black by other blacks i think it was in baltimore. Wheres sharpton yimach shemo? or j jackson yemach shemo? of course they don’t give a whoop. if zimmerman was black not many would care, and it certainly wouldn’t have recieved the national attention it has. And when you see all these instances – videotaped – of blacks mugging people, beating up people, and the same for other minorities who have suach a reputation, well there is maybe good reason, or at least it makes sense that people naturally would be assume more readily that a minority teenager is a thug than a white teenager. martin was no saint, not even close. it’s a tragedy that someone killed someone, yes, but it happens every day, and many are more tragic, and don’t recieve any attention. This country is pathetic. and eric holder, the attourney general should not be going to al sharptons events – surely that doesn’t mean that he will not prosecute unfairly like ignore blatant crimes commited by minorities, a la black panther party, etc.