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by the way, her book isnt out yet so we dont really know whats in it…all we have are her interviews. the impression i get is that she wrote her book to get past her…past…and that its one big self justification. but the truth is that her story is nothing incredible…i see it all the time. in fact her story is so incredibly ordinary that the only reason i can think of why it was published is the satmar bashing and the expose like feel that the promotion has.

but although her story is common, its often ignored. everyone makes a big stink about it when someone like her goes and writes a book about it, but not very many people care enough when her story is happening to a cousin, or a friend, or to a small but significant chunk of frum jews today.

pay attention as you walk through the streets, really look at peoples’ faces. do you see pain? are their heads down and shoulders hunched? do they look like they carry the weight of the world? i see her story in so many kids, and i see everyone do nothing.

which is why i would like to take this opportunity to capitalize on her temporary fame and sensation. ill be buying her book, and ill be attending her talk, and im going to try and get an interview because the impression i get, again i cant know if this is true yet because the book isnt out, is that she spends so much time bashing that she leaves out the important part…the experience, the pain. and i think that thats the story she should have, and perhaps wants to tell. without the slant, without the faux carefree attitude…the stury of a kid in pain who desperately cried for help.

i may be reaching, but i know many people who are in the situation she was in, and i know that thats how they feel. and i think its an important story to tell.