Reply To: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us

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Guter yid

Dear Soliek, if I offended you then I a’m apologizing, I didn’t mean to label you with something that you aren’t in reality, but honestly, reading your posts I was sure you don’t understand her numerous lies and blown up stories because you’re unfamiliar with yiddishkeit and torah, so if you are a shomer torah, be me moichel for that accusation.

But, if you do have connection to torah as you said, how come you don’t see anything wrong in this filthy book, and you side and fight for this evil writer, how do those 2 things go together?? We’ve heard misguided people going off derech, especially from broken homes, but what justification does this unfortunate lady have to go and publicize a book against hashem, the torah and yidden? and what justifies you to side with this trash, and cover for it?

Regarding the title ‘meshumedes’ I called this freak, is because this is exactly what the meshumadim used to do in all generations back to churban habayis till our times, they used to publicize excerpts from the torah or chazal and the sonai yisrael were poking fun of it, they used to publish books mocking yidden and the torah just like this woman does, so she worked to deserve this title meshumedes.