Reply To: tuition and home buying

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i posted the framework for a solution but it was censored off. i am not sure why. i am not going to go through the whole thing again. bottom line: it costs $10k or so to educate a child in a typical NY area community or similar metropolis. It is unfair to expect only parents of the educated to contribute to education (thereby converting education from a right to a privilege). Even the public school system and other religious school systems rely heavily upon the general populous to fund education. If we are to take this problem seriously we need to begin considering centralized billing. Maybe all the detail i gave last time got me censored so i will just throw that concept at you. A centralized system into which everyone pays whether or not you have kids in yeshiva. most of what you pay into it ends up being tax deductible too (added benefit). its obviously complicated but i believe we are headed in that direction.