Reply To: Stay at home moms

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I work full-time but from my house but I don’t get paid by the hour, rather by what I do. It’s all a juggling act. I have weekly cleaning help but no more than that. I’m not always available the second my kids need me if I’m in the middle of finishing something, but I’m here when they get home and have a meal prepared. Fortunately my kids are big enough now that they can help and I really didn’t start working so many hours until my littlest was already able to go to a gan (a mother of 10 children that I know personally that lived on my block). Now she’s old enough to go to school 1/2 days, so that is when I get the bulk of my work done. It spills over into the afternoon and then I try to do some more at night after the house is quiet. Fortunately I’m able to be flexible with when I work but there’s definitely a trade off. I’m very happy that I don’t have to work outside of my house, but working at home isn’t for everyone either.