Reply To: Davening With A Minyan vs. Davening Without A Minyan

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Davening With A Minyan vs. Davening Without A Minyan Reply To: Davening With A Minyan vs. Davening Without A Minyan


147- R’ Willig holds that one should not daven with a minyan if it’s a tartei desasrei problem. The question is, which tefilah do you daven beyechidus?

avhaben- I don’t know about yeshivah, but in terms of work, R’ Schachter says that since the din is you have to go a mil (which is 18 minutes) out of your way for a minyan, which is essentially 36 minutes if you count both ways, that means halachically you are required to incur up to a 36 minute loss for minyan. More than that you aren’t required to do.