Reply To: Woman Should Always Wear Her Wedding Ring in Public?

Home Forums Family Matters Woman Should Always Wear Her Wedding Ring in Public? Reply To: Woman Should Always Wear Her Wedding Ring in Public?


“The wearing of the wedding ring is actually a goyish custom which serves no function since in our community married women wear distinctive clothing (head coverings) that serve the function of indicating if they are available.”

many many married women do NOT wear a head covering, and many head covering are only noticed as such withing the frum community. (how many discussions have there been here about sheitels that look so natural?)

“Practically, since in our community almost all women gain weight shortly after marriage (when they get pregnant, which, Baruch ha-Shem, is routine among us), I doubt most married women could get their wedding ring on very easily unless they have it re-set (and since our rings are plain gold – unlike the goyim’s which are much fancier, that’s not too practical).”

that is a VERY big assumption, and a terrible one to make at that. so many women DONT get pregnant right away, and even for those who do weight significant weight gain is NOT a given. many women suffer from SEVER morning sickness, to the point that they need to be hospitalized and cant function. for those who DO get pregnant right away, there is no reason to assume that their fingers will swell up. i b”h have three children and have only had to take my rings off during one pregnancy for the last month.

in the future please refrain from making assumptions like the ones above which could really (inadvertently) hurt someone.