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takahmamash -“Health, I thought you were a health professional. When did you graduate law school?”

I know this might be mind-boggling to you but I can have knowledge in more than one subject, even if I’m not a lawyer.

“Were you in the court room for the trial? Have you reviewed the transcript?”

Oh, the only way to know what was said was being there or reading the transcript? The media quotes for me posting my opinions isn’t good enough?

“Tell us some the actual rules of law you know that were used in this case, as well as those that were violated.”

Obviously you’re claiming to be some lawyer or legal expert, just FYI I don’t respond to demands. If you have any legal or logical reasons why you don’t agree with my posts -feel free to post them. If I disagree, I’ll tell you why. This isn’t a courtroom and you aren’t the Judge where they demand answers for any Naarish thing that pops in their head. And yes, I’ve been in Court many times.