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“As to married people – those who want to cheat on thier spouses will find ways and reasons. I’ve never seen it BECAUSE of a mixed event.”

I believe Moq addressed this point extensively in his post(gray area people, advertising, etc.), and I do not see a rebuttal of his arguments, only a restatement of your position.

“One day I called my friend and asked her to go to the park with her son – she couldn’t come so her husband and son came instead. Our kids played and I had a nice time with her husband. V’zehu. Conversations were 100% kosher.”

The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos states “al tirbah sichah eim ha’eishah”, do not talk too much to your wife. The Chachamim darshan “kal v’chomer l’aishes chavayro”, even more so to your friends wife! Note how the Chachamim do not diffrenciate about waht it is that is being talked about, and said married people should not be overly engaging in conversation even if these conversations are “100% kosher”.