Reply To: Mixed Seating

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Moq – As usual, you hit the nail on the head.

oomis1105 – First of all, I believe the reading comprehension of the CR members is at the point where we can figure out the gist of your arguments without you putting the key words in capitals for us.

“You assume that our young people are all just chomping at the bit to commit some unnameable aveiros. Maybe some of them ARE, and they would do it regardless. Most frum kids who are brought up in a normal environment where everything is not assered to them every five minutes (when it is not intrinsically assur from Hashem), do NOT behave in the way that you fear. Yes, maybe SOMEONE will, but it is not because of mixing the genders in a public place, it is because there is a fundamental behavior censor chip missing from them.”

And yet again, we hit the same arguments.

I believe that all people have a yetzer hara for arayos, and therefore we shouldn’t make it any easier for the yetzer hara to seduce them into sin.

You, to the best of my understanding, believe that the yetzer hara for arayos is not natural, but a result of too many chumros (“Most frum kids who are brought up in a normal environment where everything is not assered to them every five minutes… do NOT behave in the way that you fear”). Furthermore, you apparently believe that there are two types of people in this world: those who will always do aveiros, no matter what situation they’re in, and those who will never do aveiros, no matter what situation they are in (“Maybe some of them ARE, and they would do it regardless… Yes, maybe SOMEONE will, but it is not because of mixing the genders in a public place, it is because there is a fundamental behavior censor chip missing from them”), and that people are not at all affected by their surroundings.

As Moq pointed out, we keep getting back to these same points. Perhaps it is time we agree to disagree.