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OOMIS! what shetusim!!!! ” When children grow up in a naturally mixed environment, they do not look at each other the same way that that someone does who has never been allowed to have a normal social relationship with a female or male (depending on their opposite gender). ” i mamish don’t know where you come from! it’s much much much healthier, that the children grow up separately and when the time comes, they go out and get married. Everyone has taavos whether they are exposed to the opposite gender/not. What shtusim!

Secondly, tomim tehyeh has a point, just like having couples together for a seuda and then, you know so naturally, one husband is speaking to the other’s wife… and it’s not only the women who compare husbands, sorry tomim, men do compare wives too. And OOmis, you’re right, women are not so shallow. So it’s not good for both sides.