Reply To: Mixed Seating

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lesschumrus i am astonished at you! how can you even bring that as any example? do you know how many meforshim discuss that? Do you understand the whole story clearly???? How can you say “Why is it so hard to accept the fact that our ancestors were human beings with ordinary frailties?”, no one is saying he didn’t do what he did, but take a good look at the meforshim. Some say he didn’t have bechira, i’m almost sure it’s a zohar that states that moshiach comes from yehuda and the satan would stop him from being born so it has to look “not so kosher” both by tamar and yehuda and by rus and boaz. But how can you bring that here? And not only that, but it shows us how scary it is, the y”hara , so kol vechomer… backed to mixed seating that should be avoided at all costs.