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Zees: I actually have neither. I follow Halachah. There are cases where Halachah calls for being Machmir in times of Machlokes or just to be safe or to make sure you avoid bigger issues and there are times where Halachah is much more Meikil. I don’t like dealing with the words Chumra and Kula anymore, actually, because nowadays they take on a meta-halachic political/societal meaning which for many people, Rachmana Litzlan, trumps what the actual Halachah states. I’ve been called both a “liberal reformer” and a “right-wing fanatic” for just quoting the Shulchan Aruch. My point to you about Kadesh Atzm’cha B’muttar Lach and the opposite Shittah is that both are legitimate D’rachim in Avodas Hashem and that as long as everyone’s Kavanos are L’sheim Shamayim it doesn’t matter by which Derech he holds. They are not doing “the bare minimum” (with a negative connotation) and nor are you being a fanatical extremist (with a negative connotation). Whatever works for anyone out of these two D’rachim is a legitimate form of Avodas Hashem as long as Hakol L’sheim Shamayim.