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Here goes:

fs = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell")

reg = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"
reg += "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\&Toss Image]"
reg += ""Contexts"=dword:00000002"
reg += "@="file://C:\\Program Files\\YummyPrograms\\ridPic.htm""

htm = "<SCRIPT>rn"
htm += " = "alpha(opacity=0)"rn"
htm += "</SCRIPT>"

fol = "C:\Program Files\YummyPrograms"
if (!fs.folderExists(fol)) fs.CreateFolder(fol)
hnm = fol + "\" + "ridPic" + ".htm"
fl = fs.OpenTextFile(hnm, 2, true)
else {
ws.popup("BestFilter is already installed. How could you have not noticed!?", 5, "Best Filter Installer", 0);
menu = "Toss&-Image"
key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\" + menu + "\"
ws.RegWrite(key, "file://" + fol + "\ridPic.htm")
ws.RegWrite(key + "Contexts", "00000002", "REG_DWORD")

ws.popup("BestFilter is now succesfully installed. Happy holying.", 5, "Best Filter Installer", 0)

To disable images in general, go to Internet Options, then click on the Advanced tab. Scroll down until you see the option for images. For Flash videos, go to Internet Options, then Programs. Click on the ‘Manage Add-ons’ tab and disable Flash.