Reply To: Let’s bring the Geula

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Great thread. A few thoughts:

1) One can insert individual prayers in one’s own language in any of the 13 middle brachos of the Amidah, not just in shema koleinu. Since es tzemach dovid and other brachos relate to the geulah this seems like a good time to insert personal prayers (especially if you have difficulty having kavanah during these brachos).

2) Smiling at everyone is a great suggestion! Two different sages (R’ Shammai and R’ Yishmael) say the same thing in Pirkei Avos — it’s about time we listened to them.

3) I like the story about the BT who said shehakol so slowly. Another method is to say a couple sentences of personal prayer before each bracha, asking to have kavanah and thanking Hashem for what you’re about to eat, etc. — I think this helps a lot. I’ve read about tzaddikim who did this.

4) We should (literally?) jump at every opportunity to do an act of chesed for somone, whether it’s our spouse or a stranger. It’s written somewhere that if we are kind to others Hashem will be kind to us (and what could be more kind than the Geulah…)

5) We are supposed to yearn for the Geulah and pray for it (at least in the Amidah). If we’re worried about it seeming selfish and focused on a reward instead of just serving Hashem, then think about how the Geulah will be good for everyone in the whole world. Think about all the suffering in the world world, and let’s pray to Hashem to bring the Geulah to end that suffering.