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DaasYochid -“He gave two conditions, neither of which apply here. We have no right to assume that they’re not l’ikuva.”

Yea, but he didn’t say that did he? Did he say that the Yid has to help or that he probably will help? And the employee part -I used a Kal V’chomer. Stop putting words in there that he doesn’t say just to be right!

“I don’t need proof, the reasoning applies perfectly here as well.”

And why is that? Because you say so?!?!?

“Your argument with hello99 is against the Shmiras Shabbos K’hilchoso.”

So what? Any Rov can argue on even Rav Moshe Zt’l, even though most don’t. Are you saying now – no Poisek can argue on the Shmiras Shabbos K’hilchoso?