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Look I’m not going to look up all these Achronim just to prove you wrong -I’ll take your word at it. But I don’t know what R. Moshe says over there in OC 3, but above (which I quoted) he uses this Rema to Matir timers for electric lights. So obviously R. Moshe held you could Pasken like this Rema, at least sometimes. So I have R. Moshe & the Debrecener that Matir -that is good enough for me. These are Basrah Poskim from the last generation. And I’m sure they knew all the Shittos at least as well as you. And still R. Moshe was Matir in at least one instance & the Debrecener in many instances.

C’mon, it’s in Vol. 4 which wasn’t even printed till 1990. He has quite a few examples where he is Matir Ameira L’acum by a D’oraysa!