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DY -“I don’t think it was arranged like this for any other reason other than the fact that the oven cooling was sometimes unavoidable.
See Darchei Moshe 253:7 (same R’ma) who quotes the Ohr Zarua who saw in his rebbe’s home that they were mattir reheating the cholent which occasionally cooled, only because it hadn’t entirely cooled or because they (the servants) did it for themselves. (It would seem that this is the basis of the R’ma in S.A.)
See M”A (38) who quotes this D”M, and PRM”G (E”A) who comments on this and is further lenient, but stipulates that it must be a shvus d’shvus, and is muttar because shvus d’shvus is muttar l’tzorech Shabbos. Those familiar with the halachos of amira l’aku”m know that shvus d’shvus is not muttar for a snack, or to rely on l’chatchila where avoidable, only when unavoidable and for an essential Shabbos food.”
You have a problem of differentiating unavoidable and unavoidable that happens all the time. The first one would be Mutter if it’s a case of Tzorech Godol, while not the latter.
“It is this PRM”G which the Biur Halacha which I quoted earlier refers to – clearly, this “tzorech Shabbos” is a form of tzorech gadol. See also M”B 325:62 for the definition of tzorech Shabbos.”
I just explained above this type of Tzorech Godol would not be Mutter.
“I believe there is, and you haven’t addressed the chiluk between food and other types of hanaah, which the M”B (325 – 16) makes regarding hanaah from a melacha which a nochri did for himself. Even if we are mattir there, the sevara is still valid, and would account for amira being assur for bishul even where it would be assur for light.”
Could you clarify this paragraph -I don’t understand your point.
“I quoted the IG”M earlier as being mattir a nochri removing the bulb from a refrigerator so that a Jew can later remove the essential Shabbos foods. It is interesting to note that in O”C 4:74-40, he explicitly assers telling a nochri to relight the fire which went out under the pot (clearly not a l’chatchila arrangement, and most likely no other fire available).”
Who says there is no other fire available? And who says this was the main dish and there would be no main dish? In other words, again you are assuming this to be a case of Tzorech Godol -who says?