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DY -“Your distinction between a tzorech gadol which occurs occasionally or only rarely makes no sense, and the entire 253:5 – R’ma, M”B, B”H, M”A, PM”G (including his quoting the D”M) is clear that even reheating is assur in some cases, and certainly full fledged bishul would be. I brought the M”B in 225 not as a raya, but as a possible explanation for why even the R’ma would asser by bishul.”

Yea -what’s the explanation?

I have no problem with S’A 253; the reason you do is because you don’t understand why Chazal Assured Ameira L’acum. Do you think they had nothing better to all day than Assur everything, like a lot of people in our generation & lot of posters here? Say after me -Yoshon, Yoshon, Yoshon!

They Assured Ameira L’acum because otherwise you can do any Melacha in the world by telling a Goy to do it. So they would never Matir the case of 253.

Let me simplify it for you because you are having such a hard time seeing a difference between my case & the case in 253:

Did you ever learn Dinim of a Shomer? I’m sure you know what a Shomer is, if not, tell me and I’ll explain it. Anyway a Shomer is Chayuv on Peshiah (negligence). Does this mean that when he left the guy’s crystal bowl in middle of the street and when it got run over -it was done on purpose? No, it wasn’t run over on purpose -it’s still an Oiness, but you were Posheiah (negligent). Since you acted with disregard for s’o else’s object the Oiness doesn’t protect you any more from paying/responsibility.

The same thing here. You know the gas in the balloon can run out or that the fire won’t last -so since you set it up this way to cook on Shabbos like this -this is like Peshiah. Even though the fire went out B’oiness, this type of Oiness we aren’t Matir. In my case the crock pot can burn the whole Shabbos, but you forgot to plug it in or it got unplugged. This type of mistake is called an Oiness -there was no Peshiah though. In such a case Ameira L’acum would be Mutter L’tzorech Godol!

“You claim that the Debriciner in B’er Moshe is mattir amira l’akum l’tzorech gadol – please provide a source.”

I provided the source on the page before -read my posts before responding:

“He says why you can tell the Goy to open the bathroom light in your house in ???? ?”? in the Hebrew section.” Piskei Hilchos Shabbos vol. 4.