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DY -“Even if you’re not allowed to use it, and your plan was based on an error in thinking you were?”

I don’t know what you’re saying here -in my case there is No Issur -not Ameira L’acum, not Bishul A’cum and definitely not Muktza.

If you did have a case of some cooking that is Ossur to eat -then the Muktza should fall into the category of Kli Shmelachto L’issur.

“I’ll grant you that problem, (and I’ve already demonstrated that there’s a sevara to be mechalek between ,food and other items)”

So you aren’t really granting me anything because you still think your Sevaros apply in this case.

“but there’s another problem as well; not every tzorech is the same. See M”B 307:23 where the distinction is not in the issur, but in the tzorech (which mitzvah).”

Why must you grasp at straws? This is Not the way to prove s/o else wrong!

#23 is going on the Mechaber of “V’yesh Oisrin”. The very next line – the Rema argues. So you’re trying to “prove” me wrong by a Shitta that argues on the Shitta I’m Soimeach on. I think I’m a little, tiny bit smarter than that.

“Go ahead.”

I’d go ahead if you explain me why you don’t understand. To me it’s very clear cut!