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hello99 -“DY: “See M”B in 325:60 who equates “d’var mitzvah gemurah” (including hot food) with tzorech gadol”

Isn’t it obvious that the unusual term “d’var mitzvah gemurah” is different than “makom mitzva”???”

I was going to answer him the same way and I also was going to say (without this obvious Chiluk) in the M’B he says “OH”, since when does “OH” -“either” equate two things? It could be Mutter in a case of Tzorech Godol and it could be Mutter even in a case of Tzorech Mitzva.

And I went back and checked S’A 253 and I didn’t find once the Loshon, even in the Nosai Keilim, of Tzorech Godol, just Tzorech Mitzva (Shabbos).

This would make sense acc. to the Rema in 276 #2 where he first says Ameira L’acum is Mutter even by a Melacha Gemura B’mokom Mitzva and then says be Machmir unless it’s a case of Tzorech Godol. You see clearly he differentiated between the two!