Reply To: Infertility treatments – Tzedaka??

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Mod 42 -“I think the OP might be under the impression that “hachzakos haTorah” is the most worthy tzedaka, this would only include shuls, schools, yeshivos, and kiruv but would not inlcude things like tomchei shabbos, chai lifeline, bonei olam, hatzalah, etc”

I don’t know why you’d think that. The only “hachzakos haTorah” that comes before anything else in the S”A’s list of Tzedaka is supporting your own kids learning. (If you can afford tuition besides taking from your Maaser -then some people hold it’s Ossur to do so.) Then things to help out poor people come next. A Time & Bonei Olam would be considered Tzedaka to poor people because it is something that they are lacking -“Dey Machsoro”.